In part one of making your $100k practice goal a reality we went over how important it is to seek guidance, find a mentor, evaluate your rates, add certifications and become licensed in other states. This blog post will talk about 5 additional ways to stay on target for your $100k goal.
1, Value Based Offers- What is a value based offer? That's a great question that most practice owner's ask me when this part of consulting happens. A value based offer is what combines your practice values with what makes you different from everyone else.

So think about a way that you can be different from other practices. It can be as simple as a 3 month program or a specific approach that is not common in your areas or specialty. You can even stretch it a bit further and have a membership as part of therapy and it can be a library of mini workshops for your clients to focus on. I know it sounds time consuming, but it will set you apart from other practices and give an overall great therapy experience.
2. Focus on Brand and Marketing- If your practice doesn't already have a brand established, this is something you should start with first. When you are looking to create your brand, imagine how you would like your audience to feel when they see it. Think about what words come to mind that could describe how they feel when they interact with your brand. After you have established a brand, create a beautiful website and start to market strategically to your audience.
3. Blog- Blogging can help grow your practice in many ways. It helps your audience get to know you as a therapist, it educates your potential audience, it draws clients into your website (ups your SEO rankings) and it will allow you to create organic content for marketing purposes. Blogging may seem intimidating, but in all honesty once you get the hang of it, it can become an enjoyable part of your practice.

4. Network- Networking with other like-minded people is such a great way to grow. You may not become referral sources with all of the people that you network with.
One thing I think you will start to see is the knowledge you gain by having these conversations with people that are also in the same position as you.
We find that LinkedIn is the best place to network online. However, if you are looking for in person networking, take a look in your community to see if any networking events are going on. You can take it one step further and even host your own networking event.
5. Group practice- If you feel you are at the point to where you are turning clients away and you are ready to grow your practice in size, moving to a group practice structure may be best for you. It does take a lot of work so I do suggest this transition be a slow one. Take your time and really think about every move. Do not misplace your practice values along the way. Keep in mind what has made you successful so far and replicate that in every therapist that you bring on.
One thing to remember when working towards a goal is that it does take time. Just like changes don't happen overnight, goals do not become accomplished overnight either. Focus on one goal at a time and make action steps to complete them. Dedicate a certain amount of time each week to focus on these goals and you will start to slowly see them come to life. That will give you the encouragement you need to keep going, and before you know it, you'll have reached that $100k goal, and your next goal will be $2ook!
As always if you need more guidance please feel free to reach out to me to schedule a free 15 minute consult for consulting services. Good luck with your future practice goals!